How to Integrate Survey Creator into Your PHP App

How to Integrate Survey Creator into Your PHP App
.SurveyJS is a powerful and user-friendly JavaScript library that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive surveys and forms. By leveraging the survey creator, you can build custom surveys and questionnaires with ease, making data collection and analysis a breeze. In this blog post, we will explore how to integrate survey creator into your PHP app. We will guide you through the process of setting up the survey creator, handling survey submissions, and storing survey data in your PHP application. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to enrich your PHP app with dynamic surveys to gather valuable insights from your users.
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- Getting Started with SurveyJS
Before diving into the integration process, we need to understand the basics of SurveyJS and its survey creator. SurveyJS offers a comprehensive and flexible set of features for creating surveys, quizzes, and forms. Its intuitive and user-friendly interface enables users to design surveys quickly, even without prior programming knowledge. The library supports various question types, skip logic, validation, and customization options, making it a go-to solution for collecting data in a structured manner.
- Setting Up the Survey Creator
To integrate the survey creator into your PHP app, follow these steps:
Step 1: Obtain the SurveyJS Library Visit the official SurveyJS website ( to download the latest version of the SurveyJS library. Extract the downloaded package and locate the necessary files, including “survey.css” and “survey.js.”
Step 2: Include SurveyJS in Your PHP App In your PHP app’s HTML file, include the SurveyJS library by adding the following lines in the head section:
<link href="path/to/survey.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="path/to/survey.js"></script>
Step 3: Set Up the Survey Container Create a div element with a unique ID to serve as the container for your survey:
<div id="surveyContainer"></div>
Step 4: Define the Survey Structure In your PHP app’s JavaScript section, define the structure of your survey using the SurveyJS Survey JSON format. You can specify the survey’s title, description, questions, and other options.
Step 4: Define the Survey Structure In your PHP app’s JavaScript section, define the structure of your survey using the SurveyJS Survey JSON format. You can specify the survey’s title, description, questions, and other options.
var surveyJSON = {
title: "Customer Feedback Survey",
pages: [
name: "page1",
questions: [
type: "radiogroup",
name: "satisfaction",
title: "How satisfied are you with our product?",
choices: ["Very Satisfied", "Satisfied", "Neutral", "Unsatisfied", "Very Unsatisfied"]
// Add more questions here
Step 5: Render the Survey Finally, render the survey in the previously created div container:
var survey = new Survey.Model(surveyJSON);
$("#surveyContainer").Survey({ model: survey });
- Handling Survey Submissions
Now that the survey creator is integrated into your PHP app, you need to handle the survey submissions and store the data for analysis. Here’s how:
Step 1: Capture Survey Data As users complete the survey, SurveyJS automatically captures the survey data in JSON format. To access the survey data, add an event listener to the survey object:
survey.onComplete.add(function (survey, options) {
var surveyData =;
// Process the survey data
Step 2: Send Survey Data to PHP Backend To send the survey data to your PHP backend, use an AJAX request or any other method of your choice:
survey.onComplete.add(function (survey, options) {
var surveyData =;
// Send the surveyData to the PHP backend
url: "submitSurvey.php",
method: "POST",
data: { surveyData: JSON.stringify(surveyData) },
success: function (response) {
// Handle the response
error: function (error) {
// Handle the error
Step 3: Process Survey Data in PHP On the PHP side, create a script (e.g., “submitSurvey.php”) to process the survey data received from the AJAX request:
$surveyData = json_decode($_POST["surveyData"], true);
// Process the survey data as needed
// For example, store it in a database or send it via email
// ...
- Storing Survey Data in Your PHP App
To make the most of the collected survey data, you can store it in your PHP app’s database for further analysis and reporting. You can use any PHP-supported database, such as MySQL or SQLite, to store the survey data.
Step 1: Set Up Database Connection If you haven’t already, establish a connection to your preferred database in your PHP app. Create a table to store the survey data, defining appropriate columns to accommodate the survey responses.
Step 2: Store Survey Data in the Database Modify your “submitSurvey.php” script to store the survey data in the database after processing it:
$surveyData = json_decode($_POST["surveyData"], true);
// Process the survey data as needed
// Assuming you have a database connection established
$servername = "your_servername";
$username = "your_username";
$password = "your_password";
$dbname = "your_database";
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
$surveyJSON = json_encode($surveyData);
$sql = "INSERT INTO surveys (data) VALUES ('$surveyJSON')";
if ($conn->query($sql) === true) {
echo "Survey data stored successfully!";
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;
- Conclusion
Integrating survey creator into your PHP app allows you to create dynamic and interactive surveys that engage your users and collect valuable data. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily set up the survey creator, handle survey submissions, and store survey data in your PHP app’s database. The flexibility and user-friendliness of SurveyJS make it a powerful tool for conducting surveys, quizzes, and forms. With this seamless integration, you can enhance your PHP app and gain valuable insights from your audience to improve user experiences and make informed decisions.