Manoj Damor

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PHP QR Code Generator with chillerlan-php-qrcode Library

This tutorial will create an example for generating a QR code using PHP. This example uses the Chillerlan QR code library. It is a PHP library with advanced features for creating QR codes, bar codes, and more.

There are two examples in this project. The first is a basic use-case scenario, and the second is an advanced example.

QR Code

Both will help familiarize this library to send data for QR code rendering.

require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';

use chillerlan\QRCode\QRCode;

// Core class for generating the QR code
$qrCode = new QRCode();

// data for which the QR code will be generated
$data = '';

// QR code image generation using render function
// it returns the an image resource.
$qrCodeImage = $qrCode->render($data);

// Show the generated QR code image on screen
// following header is necessary to show image output
// in the browser
header('Content-Type: image/png');

The above code is a quick example of generating a Chillerlan QR code. You should use Composer to download the chillerlan dependency.

This example imports the library class and gives the data to generate the QR code.

The render() function passes the data to the library with which it will output the QR code image. This output can be returned to a browser or can be saved as a file.

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